Dusting Off the Old Blog: Year in Review

Wow, has it really been since MAY since I posted? Somewhat fittingly, it appears my last post focused on the general feeling of living life like a chicken with its head cut off, a feeling which characterized much of 2015.

I’m happy to say things have slowed down just a tad as the year comes to a close – enough for me to update the blog! – although I fully anticipate the whole “head above water” thing to jumpstart again soon enough for reasons which will become abundantly clear in just a mo’.

So here’s a sampling of what we’ve been up to since May of this year:

  • About a week after my last post, we learned there would be another little critter added to our homestead. Of the two-legged variety. And, no, I’m not talking about chickens. Here’s Willem making the big announcement for us:
    20150712. Big brother! 

    And here I am today at 34 weeks. Baby #2 is due January 30, 2016, and we are thrilled (oh, and it’s a boy!):
    20151218. 34 weeks.

  • The Keystone-Monon Community Garden work chugged along, hitting a number of snags, all of which were pretty much out of our control, which drives me bonkers. I’ve learned a tremendous amount already about launching such a project from the ground up, and I am completely thrilled that, after one last hail Mary pass right before the changing of the guard with the mayoral elections in November, we’ve made it happen! We have our agreement with the city signed to begin building at Arsenal Park in 2016, we raised over $3,000 in 2015, we have a coalition of excited neighbors, and we’ve secured insurance. Now… WE BUILD! We’ll be picking back up in January to plan out what needs to happen to have our official ribbon cutting in May. I am hoping to still be massively pregnant by that meeting and not have recently birthed a small child… but we’ll see.

    Painting out the outlines for the garden:
    Arsenal Park.
  • In the span of about a month, Chris and I listed and sold our wonderful first home and moved into a new one! We tried to find a way to make our old home work for our growing family, but at the end of the day it just wasn’t happening. And then we found our new home: a half-acre of land only a few blocks from our old home (in other words, in the same part of the city we know and love). Three bedrooms, two baths, a giant maple tree out front, and a garage I can actually park in. And did I mention the land? It all worked out just as it should: the first people to see our old home put an offer in the next morning, and within a month, our beautiful little homestead in the city was sold. It hurts my heart a little that I won’t get to enjoy the asparagus I planted this past spring or the strawberries and blackberries, but I can plant all of those again and then some in our new space. And, oh, I will. 

    The old house, all prepped for sale: 20150819. Prepping the house for sale.

For sale!

And the new place! 20150919. Tearing out grass, planting oregano, sage, lavender, thyme, and butterfly weed.

Chris and my dad building the new coop:
20150919. Building the new chicken coop.

201510. The finished coop.

Moving the bees:
20150920. Moving the bees.

Our amazing maple tree:

201510. Fall outside times. Our amazing maple.

  • What else, what else? Oh, right. Chris got a new job! Well, that happened back in April, but this year he has really settled in and flourished. I am so grateful that he found a place where he can grow and be challenged and has the support to do so. Also, I quit one of my part-time jobs as of this month. It was a tough decision, but I already feel lighter. And I have no clue how I was going to pull it off once I had another little kiddo to care for all day.Oh, and Chris’ new place of employ? It’s a big enough company to host a holiday party  (I’ve only ever worked for small non-profits, so this was super novel to me – can’t resist a photo booth):

    Holiday party photo booth.

 And a glimpse into the rest of the second part of 2015: Coxhall Gardens.

20150628. Trip to Des Moines.



20150811. Indiana State Fair.


100 Acres morning.


On the homefront.


20151021. Offset button band sweater.

20150926. Anderson Orchard.
20150926. Anderson Orchard.

20150926. Anderson Orchard.

Halloween 2015! Mass Ave trick or treating and Dia de los Muertos at the Eiteljorg.

Everybody's getting cozy for story time - especially Birdie.

Cozy snuggle time with grandma (aka "Ma").


End of the year snapshots.

End of the year snapshots.

Warm December chicken petting.

20151201. First Christmas present tradition: Christmas book and jammies.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our half-acre of happiness to you and yours!

5 thoughts on “Dusting Off the Old Blog: Year in Review

  1. OH MY GOSH… I have missed you so much!!! I wondered if you could be having another little person to join this world! Congratulations!!! As I’ve told you before, I’ve never met you, but I feel such a kindred spirit towards you… you could be one of my kids… LOL!!! Since your last blog, I started the Master Gardeners Program and am loving it. I think you inspired me to move forward with doing this. My next goal is to get chickens. I love the coop that Chris made, did he have a plan that he followed or was that straight outta his head? Anyhow, I’m so glad to hear from you and know that life is just as it should be for you and your family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.

    • This is such a wonderful, heartwarming message! Thank you so much for the kind words. It has been a whirlwind year, but I’m really going to make an effort to get back into the habit of writing here. I love being able to share and look back on our little life and everything we’ve gotten into.

      Congratulations on starting the Master Gardener Program! That is quite an endeavor, from what I’ve heard, and one I would totally like to do someday. 🙂 The Master Gardeners I know are pretty fantastic people. How is it so far? And chickens – YES! Do it! Our girls have stopped laying for the winter, and they are getting up in chickens years (3.5 years old now), so I’m nervous to see how their productivity is when the days start getting longer. I think we’ll be adding an actual henhouse to the coop/run and hopefully adding to our flock in the spring with maybe three new girls (that’s the most Chris will probably let me add). Chris used the “Garden Coop” as his basis: it’s a great coop plan – http://www.thegardencoop.com/

      Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and so wonderful to hear from you!

  2. I love this post (and you!) and am so happy to read a blog post here again. You are entirely wonderful and I cannot wait to see what 2016 brings for you!

  3. No wonder you’ve been away from the blog! Totally understandable with all that going on. Congrats on the new little one AND the new house!

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